Along with our new, improved BHPL, the Foundation has transitioned to Friends of the BHPL.
We are a group committed to raising funds to support library programs and enhance library services through membership dues and other fundraising efforts, promoting and improving library services and guaranteeing that the Library has a strong base of community support.
What do we support? Here are some examples of programs and services that the Friends may want to champion:
- Museum passes to many museums including: Storm King, American Museum of Natural History, Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, Intrepid, Morris Museum and more!!
- Library of Things…Borrow amazing objects, large and small from the BHPL Library, such as outdoor movie projector, giant lawn games, telescope and more!!
- Library Programs for all ages: Enjoy online author events, summer reading kickoff, puzzle exchanges, multiple reading groups, teen/tween activities, children’s activities, and more!!
- Borrowable Early Literacy Kits: Themed kits including books, manipulative activities for 0-5 years
The Friends of the BHPL does not work on its own. We need volunteers to lead this amazing group. Help shape the Library’s future and make an impact on the community. Join the Friends of BHPL at BHPL Friends. We are also looking for volunteers who are ready to roll up their sleeves and lead this all volunteer organization. For more info on joining this dynamic group, go to BHPL Friends or email
Established decades ago, the Foundation of BHPL was a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation which recognized the importance of providing literary and educational services and activities through the BHPL and the benefit of providing public funding for additional programs. The Foundation also worked to provide financial support for capital projects to better Library services through private, public and corporate contributions, and not for day-to-day operations. Over the years, the Foundation’s work dissipated. In 2019, it was resurrected by a group of committed volunteers who were excited to create programs and capital projects for the new Library. Unfortunately, due to Covid, the Foundation became inactive. Now, 5 years later, it is being re-energized as Friends of the BHPL, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
2025 Meeting Dates (Meetings begin at 7pm):
Jan 21 Feb 18 Mar 18 Apr 22 May 20 Jun 17
Jul 15 Aug 19 Sep 16 Oct 21 Nov 18 Dec 16
Contact the Friends by email at: