How can I use wireless Internet at the Library?
Wireless access at the Library uses the WiFi standard (also known as IEEE 802.11b and 802.11g). Most users can simply bring their wireless-enabled laptop or other wireless device to the library and connect to the Library’s WiFi network for guests (LibraryWireless, no password required, but need to click/tap on authorization box “Continue to the Internet”). Due to the many variations in equipment, the Library cannot guarantee that all equipment will work with the Library’s network.
How does it work?
Wireless access points that are located throughout the Library communicate with your wireless device. You should be able to connect anywhere within the Library.
Will I need any special settings or passwords to connect?
In most instances wireless devices will automatically detect the WiFi networks available. To use the Library’s WiFi network: in your settings, select the WiFi network named BHPL_Guest. No password is required to use the Library’s WiFi network.
Can the Library staff help me configure my computer?
Sorry, but everyone’s computer is different and you are responsible for knowing how to configure your own equipment. The Library cannot be responsible for any changes you make to your computer’s settings. If you need additional assistance, you may need to contact the hardware or software manufacturer.
Is my information safe while using wireless?
The Library allows open access to the wireless network. Therefore your information is not protected while using the wireless system in the Library, unless you are connected to a web page that employs encryption (i.e. stores, banks, etc.). Keep this in mind if you are accessing sensitive business or personal information. We recommend you use up to date anti-virus software and turn off file and printer sharing. These steps are the responsibility of the user.
Can I print wirelessly?– Currently Not available
Printing to BHPL’s public printer is available from your laptop, tablet or smartphone in the library or remotely. Please see the instructions for using BHPL’s mobile/wireless print service here.
What can I access using wifi?
The Library wireless network is only available for accessing the World Wide Web. Email is only available using web-based services (Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.). All other services (telnet, AIM, etc.) are blocked and some programs that depend on non-WWW protocols (Outlook, VPNs, etc.) will not function properly.